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Assessing Education Network Bandwidth Needs Amid Uncertainty

Posted by Larry Legg on Jul 29, 2020

Today’s educational environment — from K-12 through university programs — has become more challenging. One challenge is bandwidth planning. How much is enough? What is the right balance between maintaining a suitable level of excess capacity and wasting your limited budget? When is it time for a full network upgrade?

This article explains how Champion ONE can help with hands-on processes and other solutions.

Tackling the Challenges Together

We start by consulting with our customers to gain a deeper understanding of the problems their networks are facing. Our experts then present the best solutions available.

For example, if you need to add bandwidth but aren’t certain how much you’ll need in the future, you may be interested in exploring a passive WDM solution. Our experts begin by exploring your network (physical geography, fiber capacity, and network architecture), searching for ways to maximize performance and fiber availability while minimizing signal loss. Usually, during this design stage, our customers realize that they could optimize their networks with a single fiber (bi-directional) passive solution. It also identifies links where amplification and/or dispersion compensation may be needed.

Next, we will help you choose the right channel plan and filter size. You can always expand your channel plan with a larger filter in the future with minimal disruption. This approach gives you much-needed flexibility in bandwidth capacity at a budget-friendly price, with expert guidance every step along the way.

DIR Availability

For education network operators in Texas and neighboring states, Champion ONE offers a wide range of solutions on our DIR contract.

For more information on what is available and how to order, please visit