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How to Work From Home

Posted by Admin on Mar 30, 2020

For many of us, remote work has become routine. Here are some tips for making it more effective:

  1. Make sure your internet connection is up to par - It may be necessary to upgrade your bandwidth to have a stable network. Additionally, if you are accessing shared company resources via VPN for the first time you may need to contact your ISP to ensure their equipment is properly set up to support this.
  2. Set up an appropriate work area ‑ Many of our homes are not ideal for long hours of work, but it can be done. Select a quiet well-lit area for your computer that has a strong, consistent, Wi-Fi signal. Be sure to select a room that eliminates distractions so you can stay focused. If your home gets noisy, consider using headphones.
  3. Breaks - Take small, yet frequent, ones. Research has shown that short breaks at regular intervals can be crucial to maintaining focus and productivity. Set time aside to stretch, get coffee, watch a funny video, or eat. Set a timer if necessary.
  4. Meet with colleagues through video chat - Isolation doesn’t mean the end of meetings. This should be done with many different apps and programs. LogMeIn’s, GoToMeeting, Cisco’s Webex, Microsoft Teams, and Facetime all allow for virtual face-to-face communication, screen sharing, and other collaborative tools.
  5. Stay positive and connected - For those that are used to in-person interaction, it can start to feel lonely and unproductive when working from home. That’s what instant messaging and video calls are for. Use them when you are missing your office environment. Schedule a time to connect with co-workers, even if it’s just to chat. We’re all alone in this together — ironic, is it not?

Working from home can be just as beneficial as working in the office. While it may take time to get used to it, incorporating these useful tips will assist you to stay productive and sane.