Solutions for
Carrier and Service Providers
Case Study #1

Approved Networks Delivers Much Needed Bandwidth
to Regional Data Services Provider - Fast
1.92 Tb/s of Non-Blocking Bandwidth Added
Rapid Delivery of an End-to-End Solution
“Wow. Everyone - from engineering to order processing - at Approved Networks has been amazing to work with, and really helped us out of a tough position. Service has been fantastic. You guys ROCK!” - VP Systems Engineering, Data Services Provider
A data services provider in the Southeastern United States was faced with a serious time crunch. They needed to deploy greenfield services for one of their long-time customers by the end of November. With the Thanksgiving holiday fast approaching, they were struggling to source all of their equipment in time.
For Phase 1 of this project, Approved Networks delivered a complete, end-to-end turnkey solution built around four 10G Open Network Switches with 100G uplinks, powered by a network operating system from IP Infusion. These switches were complemented by a suite of 8 channel DWDM mux/demuxes, and a full range of both tunable and fixed-channel optics.
Despite a challenging deadline, the services provider was immediately impressed with Approved Networks’ rapid response. Every Phase 1 component arrived on time, and the services provider was able to turn up their new customer very quickly. Approved’s high-performance switches introduced up to 1.92 Tb/s of non-blocking bandwidth over fiber links across a 40km span.
Approved Networks has become a trusted network solutions partner for the service provider, working closely with their engineering team to optimize the design for Phase 2, a full MPLS fiber ring.