Education Solutions
Case Study #3

Effingham County Enhances Education by Partnering with Approved Networks
“The Approved Networks solution has allowed us to continue to provide the robust network our educational programs require and the cost savings are phenomenal.” - Jeff Lariscy, System Engineer
Fiber-Conserving Bi-di Transceivers
$25K Savings per Year
50% Reduction in Leased Fiber
For years, Effingham County School District in southeastern Georgia prided itself on being a technologically-advanced district. To support its 14 schools, it leased 52 miles of fiber from a local telephone co-op. However, an economic downturn in both state and local revenues led to budget cuts that imperiled their ability to maintain necessary bandwidth for their education offerings.
Approved Networks provided 11 pairs of open standards-based single fiber optical transceivers, a product that was not offered by their network OEM at the time. These were deployed throughout the District’s existing ring network topology that connected one school to the next.
Approved’s solution reduced Effingham County’s leased fiber costs by 50%, saving the District $25,000 per year. These substantial savings enabled the school to maintain the advanced technology in their classrooms through adverse economic conditions, and the recurring nature of the savings will leave room in the budget for continual technological advancement in years to come.